When you start a new business, it can take time to think of just the right name for the company and the style of Corporate ID. Sometimes, it’s rushed as you wanted to get started, yet you’re often stuck with it for a long time.
And so, after a time, sometimes the design is no longer suitable—it’s just not fit for purpose anymore, as your company or organisation has evolved—or maybe not even that—it just doesn’t look fresh anymore. You feel like it doesn’t represent what your company has become.
Here are ten popular and worthwhile reasons for rebranding:
1 – It looks dated
Design styles change rapidly, so it’s obvious to spot a logo produced in the early 2000s – if you want your company to appear modern, it’s the first place to start
2 – Your services have changed
For instance, if your logo includes a specific icon that represents a service you no longer offer, you can update the icon to reflect your current offerings, or remove it altogether if it’s no longer relevant.
3 – The business name has changed
This is very obvious! But you may not want to adapt the old logo and ID to the new name—it’s an excellent opportunity for a new approach.
4 – Need to update your slogan
Often, you’ll have a slogan to accompany your logo – that further explains your business offer in a short, meaningful way. This offer may change over time so that you can tweak part of the Logo identity without an overhaul.
5 – Your target audience has changed
The tone of the logo can change how people perceive you – for example, the same writing can be designed in a fun and happy way – or a more corporate, formal feel.
6 – It’s too fiddly
Intricate details in design are nice, but they don’t have a place in a logo. A logo should be versatile, working in black and white as well as colour, and be recognisable at any size. If a logo loses its shape or becomes illegible when scaled down or viewed in black and white, it’s not a good sign of effective design.
7 – You designed it yourself
If you have experience in design, a homemade logo could be ok. However, the relief of having a professional eye, who designs every day, can always take what you’ve done and improve it – for both legibility and versatility.
They can make sure it appeals to your customers. Not just you.
8 – You need different formats
You need square, long & icon versions. Having a versatile logo that can adapt to different platforms and sizes is crucial for a professional and consistent brand image. It’s about being prepared for every opportunity.With so many social accounts, all need different logo sizes and banner images. Some need small square images, others need 2000px wide banner images, etc.
It can be daunting to ensure that your branding looks good, regardless of size and shape, and is not cropped awkwardly or illegibly.
But it’s worth getting your brand right at all opportunities, so having a well-designed logo and slogan that fits each instance should be a priority. It’s about instilling confidence in your brand.
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