
Charity Video Production

Video Production for Charities & Non Profits

We care about your cause, and we want to help.
We love working for non-profits, charities, and other mission-driven organisations.

Creating videos and animation for the third sector or public bodies aligns strongly with our company and personal values, as we genuinely care about helping others and want to help you make a difference. We have a wide range and years of experience working on all kinds of charity video productions and are so passionate that we regularly volunteer in our spare time.

By working together with you collaboratively we find the best way to increase awareness of your message and achieve your goals – whether they’re fundraising, attracting volunteers or just spreading the word of your cause and raising awareness.

By national standards, we’re affordable, and we respect your budget to make the most out of what is possible. Our rich experience means we never waste time or resources.

Recent Charity & Non-Profit Videos

Promoting the benefts of Youth Centres
Sharing the benefits of meditation
Explaining a new approach
homeless link logo

What our clients say about us

What an amazing piece of work. We are so grateful for all your hard work and for putting up with all my nitpicking!

I’ve been working on this project for 2 years and it’s taken a long time to come up with this simple way of explaining the approach. Nye’s writing plus your talent and hard work has now turned this into something accessible to everyone.


This animation will be used by organisations across the Homelessness sector to understand strengths-based working.

Around 900 different charities in England are members of Homeless Link (including the huge ones like Crisis and Shelter and the small local night shelters and centres) so a lot of people are going to see it!

Let's Collaborate

Get a Quote

Please drop us a line If you have a project in mind for your charity and you’d like a quick quote. Or if just want to have a chat about what’s possible please send us a message and we’ll get right back to you.

Video styles

What kind of Charity video production do you want?

You can trust us to find the right style of charity video production for you. We’ve worked on a range of sectors within the non-profit sphere, from education, children and young people’s services, homelessness, medical and more. 

Our creative video studio provides a full end-to-end video service for filmed video and animations. First, we start with an open dialogue to develop the strategy, art direction and script, and then we take it right through to filming, design and edit.

Are you looking for a more general introduction to your charity or organisation with a brand or overview video?

Will your customers or people who use your service say it better with a testimonial video?

Do you have something complex you need to explain with explainer animation?

Do you need to train staff or volunteers about a new procedure in the workplace?

We can help guide you on what is the best route, whilst also taking into consideration your timescales and budget.

Video Production

Social Media
Video Production

Testimonial & Interview
Video Production

Video Production

Animated & Explainer
Video Production

Internal Comms
Video Production


A brand video is a great introductory tool to show people what your organisation is about and what your values and aims are. It amplifies your message and says what you do in a concise, heartfelt way.

Our crew can film your staff and volunteers, who often say it best, and your premises, or film on a site where your services usually take place. And we can also mix it with supporting graphics or testimonial pieces to give a full picture and aid memorability

Brand Video Charity Video Production
Animated Video Charity Video Production


As a video studio with specialist designers and animators – we can’t deny, we love creating animated videos.

Sometimes we’ve found for non-profits, it can be a sensitive topic and difficult to film real people who are in receipt of services your charity provides, for example. So often an animated video is an excellent way to get around this – and convey a strong message without the risk of identification or alienating anyone.

Or you can use animation to add a little humour, whilst keeping the video relatable. We also often use animated characters to add a human touch and empathy to a story.


A video case study that goes through from start to finish how your charity helps people can speak volumes.

We work with you as a video partner to design questionnaires and interview sensitively that bring out their emotion through the interview, so it really shows in the video. 

Hearing from those who use or receive your services gives real joy and heart to a video. They know how they have benefitted best and can say it genuinely and beautifully.

Testimonial Video Charity Video Production


Thank you for your work on this. We’re really happy with the video, and it’s exactly as we expected. 

Malvern Panalytical logo

Malvern Panalytical

Wow I love it. Made me go goose bumpy !! I’m so proud of us !! Can’t imagine what we would change.



I want to start by saying what a great job you’ve done with the animation. Overall we feel like your visual ideas and the quality of the animation have really brought the whole concept to life in a really warm and engaging way, so thanks for all your work on it

homeless link logo

Homeless Link

I feel that you really got a feel for what I was after and that you genuinely cared about my vision for the design and came up with something perfect. You’re a great person to work with, very talented, a great communicator with great ideas. I am over the moon, I can’t thank you enough. I can’t wait to show it off now.

Yoga With Siobhan

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A rigorous methodology
where you're involved at every stage

Our charity video production process



After a full briefing, we write a creative video script that aligns with your objectives and start to work on the art direction. The script is an important base to create a video with impact. 


Written Treatment

From the approved script, we develop a detailed storyboard for the video; this is where
we describe what we will want to see for each sentence or meaning – a written story of
the video.



For our live-action video productions, We film with a 2 person crew. We’re friendly and hard-working. We can film anywhere, in studios, on your premises, or at home. 
We have high-end professional equipment – allowing us to capture a wide range of shots that
showcase the environment, vibes, and high-quality audio of any speakers.



For our animated video productions, we go onto illustrate the storyboard in full so you can envisage the video and see the entire flow before we animate. 



This is where the video comes to life, we edit or animate the video and tie it all seamlessly together to create your story. Providing a fully polished video, complete with music, voiceover and post production.


Final Amends and Delivery

Delivery is short and sweet, most of our videos are horizontal, but if you want a vertical version then we will create that. We also supply English captions free of charge for accessibility. 


Bespoke Charity Video Production Service

Our creative team design and illustrate in various styles and can adapt to suit your brand and charity tone of voice.  Whether animated video or filmed, any additional graphics or illustrations will always be made with your organisation’s campaign branding in mind. 

We always provide style frames design, before drawing the fully illustrated storyboard so you can get a feel of the visuals from the start. This collaborative approach is key – we value your input and want you to love the video from the start.

We have stacks of in-house skills to create all kinds of videos to fit perfectly with your message and goals.

Not only do we concentrate on the look and visual flow, but we also work with professional voiceover artists (with a variety of accents and languages available), and use high-end music and sound recording and design to help you feel fully immersed while you watch.

You can see our portfolio page for a full range.

Promoting a college
Celebrating health and wellness
Documenting how covid created a community

Filming & Live Action Video Productions

Our video production studio is based in Wigan, Greater Manchester in the UK, but our team regularly film all over the UK and beyond, distance is no problem for us.

We can film your staff and volunteers at your premises. Or customers or services users at their premises or home.

Our filming kit can range from the small and nifty, capturing as much as we can on a nimble rig, to larger equipment including full lighting and a studio set.

For larger productions, for example, a promotional or advertising video, we can include a full cast of actors, or a presenter, and offer location and studio hire.

Who we've worked with

Our Clients

Recently we’ve been lucky to work with many charities including; Homeless Link, Coram Beanstalk, Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, The Mighty Creative, GlobalPlatform, Urbact, Wellcome Trust, numerous community groups, and Wigan Youth Zone and public institutes such as Visit Britain, Abu Dhabi Department for Environment, Wigan & Leigh College, Preston City Council and many departments of the NHS.

coram beanstalk logo
wellcome trust logo
Peter Jones logo
homeless link logo
Inpsiring Healthy Lifestyles logo
wyz logo
Urbact logo
onside logo
rcog logo


How long to charity videos take to produce?

For most filmed video projects we estimate between 6-8 weeks maximum. It often depends on how many filming days we need, and what extras are required, for example, a cast of actors or specific interviewee.

If it's animation, the duration is similar, but it's much more dependent on the script length, basically, a 3 min animated video can take almost 3 times as long as a 1-minute video.

Part of what takes time is our client review stages, as we like to include the client throughout the project, and we find it's well worth any extra time taken.

It means at the end there are no hidden surprises or big amends stages, leading to frustrations and being nervous about hitting the deadline. You've seen the progress throughout, and now you're thrilled with the final video.

We can often tighten these timescales if needed - so get in touch and we will see what we can do.

What is the ideal video length for a charity?

Usually, shorter is always better! We generally find that you can say a lot in 2 minutes without becoming boring or losing the audience.

For promotional purposes, you want to be as concise as possible. You can go up to 3-5 minutes, but drop off rates tend to increase after that.

Unless it's elaborate and very catchy, social media videos are fairly short too.

If you have a lot to say, you may want to split the video into 2 or 3 - and have 1 focus per video.

For training purposes, it still varies but time isn't as tight. But you don't want to lose the audience, so we would suggest a maximum of 10 minutes. Otherwise, they may not remember what they've watched.

What involvement do I have?

This depends on you. We do have approval stages at the script, written treatment, and edit. We find clients generally have a lot of input for our charity and non-profit video productions.

We like to keep the client involved, and if you have loads of ideas, we definitely want to hear them, we can incorporate them into the script and written treatment! The written treatment leads the whole video, what is written, and filmed and edited or animated.

If we're filming, we also want you there on the filming day (s)!  This is obviously important, but usually a fun day. Your eye and guidance on the filming day are often critical to having it exactly as you want.

If you can't make it to the video shoot, that is also fine and it does happen. You can trust us to film as you want.

If we're filming on your premises, you probably have some organisation t do, to make sure your staff and offices or site look exactly as you want them to.

How much does does a charity video production cost?

There a few variables when it comes to video production. Often, A key factor is length and number of filming days, a shorter video, filmed over 1 day is generally quicker to make. And for animation, the length is a major factor.

The complexity can also affect the cost - for example, if you want a location for the shoot or actors, or want to film in multiple places over multiple days.

The preparation for this kind of production simply takes longer to do to get it right.

For animation, the design style also affects how long it will take to produce, a very simplistic 2D flat video takes less time than a beautifully handrawn flowing animation.

For us, the cost is very much directly related to the time spent on production.

In general, the cost would be £1.5k GBP minimum and we do offer a discount to charities and non-profit organisations.

What different video styles are there?

This is not set in stone, but in general video production can be divided as follows:

Brand Video

Testimonial or Interview Video

Educational or Training Video

Social Media Video

Tender or Bid Video

Advertisement Video

Internal Comms Video

Event Video

What languages or accents can I have?

We are very versatile. Being a UK based video studio, you can pick any regional UK accent, male or female. But we also offer the USA and other English speaking accents.

We're also very familiar with producing foreign language videos. We can completely localise it, changing the voiceover and any animated captions.  We've done this lately with Korean, Portuguese, Arabic, French Greek and many more.

Just let us know in advance, as it's good to accommodate for this in the editing stage.

But we can also do simple subtitles afterwards in most languages too. We also offer English subtitles free of charge. 

Who are Digital Finch?

We're Harry and Victoria, and a close-knit crew based in Wigan, UK, but working worldwide. We've been making videos for over 10 years - it's what we love to do and hopefully, it shows in our samples. We volunteer regularly and love helping in our communities. 

Let's Collaborate

Get a Quote

Please drop us a line If you have a project in mind and you’d like a quick quote. Or if just want to have a chat about what’s possible please send us a message and we’ll get right back to you.